NEW:Training in Systemic Selfintegration
This year Dr. phil. Philipp Kutzelmann will be offering the first part of the official training in Systemic Selfintegration – Modules 1-4, certificate as „autonomy trainer“ – in English. This ist the first time that an audience outside of Germany gets the chance to learn how to apply Systemic Self-Integration in their daily work as therapists, coaches or trainers.
The main focus of the seminars will be:
- Learning the practical application of the Algorithm for working with relationships in work, family, intimate relationships etc.
- The theoretical foundations of Systemic Self-Integration
- Anamnesis and working with the Autonomy Questionnaire and Diagram
- The basics of stressor based systemic therapy
- Learning by experience: by working with ones own relationships in demonstrations and in smaller training groups.
The four seminars will take place online via ZOOM on the following dates:
Module 1: 26th – 28th of March
Module 2: 28th – 30th of May
Module 3: 30th of July – 1st of August
Module 4: 24th – 26th of September
Each seminar will start at 10:00 o’ clock (German time) and end at 18:00 o’ clock. (With a break between 13:00 and 15:00 o’ clock)
The price for each Module is 400 Euros. Participants will have the possibility to be listed as “autonomy-trainers” after attending the seminars and writing four protocols of constellations they lead themselves.
For more information or application please contact: