Dr. phil. Philipp Kutzelmann

Dr. phil. Philipp Kutzelmann
Systemic coach, consultant and supervisor
Born in 1981. More than fifteen years of intensive experience with various forms of systemic work, systemic constellations and related processes in practice, theory and self-awareness.
Numerous further education and training. Among others at:
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Varga von Kíbed and Dipl. Psych Insa Sparrer in Systemic Structure Constellations®.
- Dipl. Psych. Insa Sparrer and Yvonne Dolan M.A. in solution-focused short-term therapy (Insoo Kim Berg & Steve DeShazer) and its use in coaching and counseling.
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Varga von Kíbed in the basics of Ericksonian hypnotherapy and its application in systemic constellation work.
- Dr. med. Gunther Schmidt in hypnosystemic counseling.
- Stephen Gilligan Ph.D. in Generative Trance Work.
- Dr. med. Ernst Robert Langlotz in Systemic Self-Integration® (certified provider for systemic self-integration according to Dr. med. Ero Langlotz).
Further more he studied American cultural and literary history, religious studies and ethnology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Research focus: history of the 20th century. Body history, performance, embodiment, ritual, discourse and system theories.
Parallel to the practical work with the constellations: Work on a book publication about the origin and cultural transmission of beliefs and negative convictions and their dissolution through systemic constellations.